Celebrity face plan! The actress who looks like DJ SODA | REC | AV大平台-Chinese Subtitles, Adult Films, AV, China, Online Streaming

Celebrity face plan! The actress who looks like DJ SODA

 I haven’t seen such a celebrity face project for a long time!

 Although the cover of the work already mentions Luna Tsukino (Tsuki No Luna), this is a complete spoof: How can you see it? From the title " SNS is hot!? ファンにおっぱいを毇まれた金髪美人 DJのセックスanimation がヤバすぎてquestion になっています" we know that S has always been very creative Who is the OD Group targeting: Again He's a DJ, he's got his breasts attacked by a fan, and he's got blond hair. There's only one person in the world who fits this criteriaー

 "DJ SODA" from South Korea.

 Do not believe? From the pictures of eating meat in the stills and comparing them on the social media, we know that Tsukino Luna is imitating DJ SODA, but having said that, I have always thought DJ SODA’s body is hot enough, but when it comes to Tsukino Luna Nai Luna) What everyone will think of is either the diaper films or the uncensored films in the early days of her career, or the crazy films she made in the later period until she became the exclusive actress of the film company, and now she is back to making films. No one has ever said that she has a hot figure. Why should she play DJ SODA? It’s probably not just a random actress who cast a project on her, but she really feels that there are similarities between the two~

 It's just that I can't see it clearly. But since it is a spoof of DJ SODA, in addition to putting on a wig and imitating the photos she uploaded to the social network and taking a few stills, of course there must also be something interesting in the sex performance. Why is DJ SODA so popular on SNS (community)? Because she was assaulted on the breasts in Osaka, the SOD Group that filmed the film put this part into the film, letting her wear headphones and be played with and cummed on the stage by everyone:

 But after watching the promotional video, I still think it’s not possible. Maybe it’s because I’ve been following DJ SODA’s IG for a long time and I’m very familiar with her from her face to her figure, so I really can’t help but watch Tsukino Rana (Tsukino Luna) from her appearance to her thin figure. She is associated with DJ SODA - but this does not mean that Luna Tsukino (Tsukino Luna) is not good. She is also one of the best short-haired actresses on the market, and her short video collaboration with the male actor "Masahiro Tabuchi" is also Very successful, I just can’t integrate into this work⋯

 However, I am still very happy to see such a celebrity face project. Although I may be very unhappy, but later it became really popular on SNS, and finally DMM works were removed from the shelves....... .....

Work link: https://9sex.tv/tw/video/detail/372537

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